most used docker commands

statistics and info commands

show container usage statistics

docker stats

show running process from a container

docker top pc

show the logs from a container

docker logs -f pc

show container log path

docker inspect --format='{{.Name}} {{.LogPath}}' pc

show docker disk usage

docker system df

show all IPs from a container

docker inspect --format='{{.Name}} {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' pc

show mac address from a container

docker inspect --format='{{.Name}} {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.MacAddress}}{{end}}' pc

show all ports binding from a container

docker inspect --format='{{.Name}} {{range $p, $conf := .NetworkSettings.Ports}} {{$p}} -> {{(index $conf 0).HostPort}} {{end}}' pc

images commands

search for images on docker hub

docker search debian
docker search -f is-official=true debian

list images

docker images

remove a image

docker rmi debian

container commands

list all container and their status

docker ps -a

create a docker container (it will download the image if it doesn’t exist)

docker create -i --name pc debian

start a container

docker start pc

enter in a container

docker exec -it pc bash

stop a container

docker stop pc
docker stop -t0 pc

remove a single container ( -f will force remotion if it running )

docker rm pc
docker rm -f pc

remove all stopped containers

docker container prune

command options

docker create --help
docker start --help
docker exec --help

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