curl speed test


test ! -e /tmp/curl.format && cat > /tmp/curl.format <<EOF
   time_namelookup: %{time_namelookup}s\n 
      time_connect: %{time_connect}s\n
   time_appconnect: %{time_appconnect}s\n 
  time_pretransfer: %{time_pretransfer}s\n
     time_redirect: %{time_redirect}s\n 
time_starttransfer: %{time_starttransfer}s\n
time_total: %{time_total}s\n

curl -L -s -w "@/tmp/curl.format" $url_here

update a tar file

delete the current file if it exist

tar --delete -f file.tar etc/passwd

append/update the new file

tar -uvf file.tar /etc/passwd

list tar file content

tar -tvf file.tar

show the file content inside of tar archive

tar xfO file.tar etc/passwd

script to update/add a file to a tar archive

# usage: file.tar file_to_update

test $# -ne 2 && sed -n '/^# usage/ { s/^# //p }' $0 && exit

tar -tvf $1 | grep -q $2 && tar --delete -f $1 $2	# delete file it it already exist in tar archive

tar -uvf $1 $2						# add/update the file in the tar archive

tar -tvf $1 | grep $2		        # list updated/new file in the tar archive

tar xfO $1 $2						# show content of updated/new file in the tar archive

check systemctl service status

# check service status
# usage: service 

test $# -eq 0 && echo a service need to be passed as param! && sed -n '/^# usage/ { s/^# //p }' $0 && exit  # print usage and quit

systemctl status $1                             |       # check service status
grep -q 'active (running)'                      &&      # if service is running execute next command
systemctl show $1 --property MainPID            |       # get service PID
grep -q =0$                                     &&      # if PID is equal 0 execute next command
echo 'em_result=PIDFAILED|'                     ||      # print to stdout and quit if PID is equal 0 OR execute next command
systemctl status $1                             |       # check service status and print current status
awk '/Active:/ { $2=="active" && $3=="(running)" ? $0=$3 : $0=$2"_"$3; print }'

draw horizontal line in bash

option 1 – line without space

printf '%.s─' $(seq 1 $(tput cols))

option 2 – line with space

printf %"$(tput cols)"s | tr ' ' '-'

option 3 – line with space

seq -s- $COLUMNS| tr -d '[:digit:]'

option 4 – line with yellow color

tput setaf 3 && printf '%.s─' $(seq 1 $(tput cols)) && tput sgr0

option 5 – line with random color

tput setaf $(shuf -i 1-4 -n 1) && printf '%.s─' $(seq 1 $(tput cols)) && tput sgr0

pass an array to a function in bash

pass an array as argument to a function


array=("one 1" "two 2" "three 3")

function myFunc() {
  for i in "$@"; do # print all elements
    echo "$i"

  echo $1 # print a single element

myFunc "${array[@]}" # call function

pass a hash as argument to a function


declare -A age_location=( ['Man']='21 Lisbon' ['Woman']='22 Rio' )

function myFunc() {
  for i in "${hashmap[@]}"; do # print all values
    echo "value: $i"

  echo "$1" # get a single value from an element

myFunc "${age_location[@]}" # call function

create/append file using heredoc

use here document to create a file using cat

create a file maintaining interpolation

cat > file1 <<EOF

suppress interpolation creating a file

cat > file2 <<'EOF'

append content to a file

cat >> file2 <<FIN
new content

if the file was created with success execute a command printing a message

cat <<FIN> file3 && echo file created

execute command after append content to a file

cat <<EOF>> file3; wc -l file3

create a formatted file inside an if statement(use of TAB is mandatory)

if true; then
        cat > file4 <<-EOF
  user: root

* if you copy this block of code, delete heredoc lines begin and use TAB

find maximum/minimum value in a column


get line with maximum value in column 2 using awk

echo -e 'a 3\nb 5\na 7\nb 9' | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sort -k2 -k1nr | awk '$2 != x { print } { x = $2 }'

get line with minimum value in column 2 using awk

echo -e 'a 3\nb 5\na 7\nb 9' | awk '{print $2, $1}' | sort -k2 -k1n | awk '$2 != x { print } { x = $2 }'


get line with maximum value in column 2 using datamash

echo -e 'a 3\nb 5\na 7\nb 9' | datamash -s -W -g 1 max 2

get line with minimum value in column 2 using datamash

echo -e 'a 3\nb 5\na 7\nb 9' | datamash -s -W -g 1 min 2

delete history commands

See commands history with line number

cat -n ~/.bash_history

Delete a single history entry number 77

sed -i '77d' ~/.bash_history

Delete a range of history entry from 12 to 25

sed -i '12,25d' ~/.bash_history

Delete a range of history entry from 90 until last line

sed -i '90,$d' ~/.bash_history

create a file in memory using bash heredoc

use here document to create a file using cat

create a file in memory

cat <<EOF

create a file in memory and process it. heredoc can by piped

cat <<EOF | wc -l

heredoc inside a statement or loop needs <<- redirection operator and lines starting with TAB

if true; then
        cat <<-EOF

* if you copy this block of code, delete heredoc lines begin and use TAB

using heredoc with ssh

ssh -T user@ <<EOF
echo "command on local machine: $(hostname)"
echo "command on remote machine: \$(hostname)"

split pdf using bash

split a single page. page 7

pdftk file.pdf cat 7 output splited_output.pdf

split range of pages from 3 to 9

pdftk file.pdf cat 3-9 output splited_output.pdf

split pages 1,3,7

pdftk file.pdf cat 1 3 7 output splited_output.pdf

split pages 1,7 and range from 9 to 15

pdftk file.pdf cat 1 7 9-15 output splited_output.pdf

using su command to execute command as other user

#!/usr/bin/expect -f
#Usage: user pass command

set user [lindex $argv 0];
set pass [lindex $argv 1];
set cmd  [lindex $argv 2];

spawn su -c "$cmd" - $user
expect "Password: "
send "$pass\r"
expect "$ "

try to see the content of a file that only root has permission

./ root passwdHere 'cat /etc/shadow'

how to generate an expect script automatically

1 – Use autoexpect command to generate a expect script automatically

autoexpect ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no userHere@

2 – Run script.exp file generated by autoexpect command


test number of columns in a file

test if number of columns in a file is equal

awk -F: '{ print NF }' /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs -i test {} -eq 1 && echo is equal

test if number of columns in a file is different

awk -F: '{ print NF }' /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs -i test {} -ne 1 && echo is diff

test if number of columns in a file is different, print in stderr and exit

awk -F: '{ print NF }' /etc/passwd | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs -i test {} -ne 1 && echo is diff > /dev/stderr && exit 127

multiple outputs on bash

join/merge output of 2 commands using bash builtin { } and getting second column

{ echo a b; echo c d; } | awk '{ print $2 }' 

using tee command – way 1

seq 3 | tee >( sort -nr ) 

using tee command – way 2

seq 3 | tee >( sort -nr ) >( sort -n ) > /dev/null

using tee command to print to output and test content

seq 7 | tee >( cat | grep -q 5 && echo has number 5 )

using pee command

seq 3 | pee 'sort -n' 'sort -nr'

print the date of a remote file and test if your date is equal today

sshpass -p "myPasswd" ssh 'ls -l /etc/hosts' | tee >(cat | awk 'END {print $7}' | test $(cat -) -eq $(date +%d) && echo day equal || echo day diff)

search in N column on multiple files

search for hostname word in first column on all files in /etc directory

find /etc -exec awk '$1=="hostname" { print FILENAME":",$0 }' {} \; 2>&-

show files that has linux word on second column on /etc directory

find /etc -exec awk '$2=="linux" { print FILENAME":",$0 }' {} \; 2>&-

show files that contains unknown word in part of string on first column on /etc and /sys directories

find /{etc,sys} -exec awk '$1 ~ "unknown" { print FILENAME":",$0 }' {} \; 2>&-

To search on any column

using awk

find /etc -exec awk '$0 ~ "linux" { print FILENAME":",$0 }' {} \; 2>&-

using grep

find /etc -exec grep linux {} \; 2>&-

print lines with duplicated/different values in a column


print lines with duplicated values in column 2

tr ',' "\n" <<<'a,b,c,b,a' | nl | sort -k2 | uniq -f1 -d | cut -f2

awk + bash

creates aditional column when the value of column 1 change and show only duplicated values

tr ',' "\n" <<<'a,b,c,b,a' | sort -k1 | awk 'BEGIN{ vc=$1; n=0 } { if ( $1 != vc ) { n++ } vc=$1; print n, $0 }' | uniq -d

creates aditional column when the value of column 2 change and show only duplicated values

tr ',' "\n" <<<'a,b,c,b,a' | nl | sort -k2 | awk 'BEGIN{ vc=$2; n=0 } { if ( $2 != vc ) { n++ } vc=$2; print n, $0 }' | uniq -f2 -d

creates aditional column when the value of columns 1 and 2 is equal and the value of column 3 change

echo -e 'Rio BR 10\nRio BR 10\nLisboa PT 10\nLisboa PT 20' | awk 'BEGIN{ c1=$1; c2=$2; c3=$3; n=0 } { if ( $1 == c1 && $2 == c2 && $3 != c3 ) { n++ } c1=$1; c2=$2; c3=$3; print n, $0 }'

creates aditional column when the value of columns 1 and 2 is equal and the value of column 3 change printing only differences when the value of column 3 was different

echo -e 'Rio BR 10\nRio BR 10\nLisboa PT 10\nLisboa PT 20' | awk 'BEGIN{ c1=$1; c2=$2; c3=$3; n=0 } { if ( $1 == c1 && $2 == c2 && $3 != c3 ) { n++ } c1=$1; c2=$2; c3=$3; print n, $0 }' | awk 'BEGIN{ c1=0 } { if ( $1 != c1 ) { print p; print } p=$0; c1=$1 }'

print line match, previous and next in bash

using awk

print line match and next 5

awk '/mail/ { for(i=0; i<=5; i++) {print; getline} } /etc/passwd

print line match and previous 5

awk '/mail/{for(i=1;i<=x;)print a[i++];print}{for(i=1;i<x;i++)a[i]=a[i+1];a[x]=$0;}' x=5 /etc/passwd

using sed

print line match and next 5

sed -n '/mail/,+5p' /etc/passwd

using bash

print line match and next 5 with grep

grep mail -A 5 /etc/passwd

print line match and previous 5 with grep

grep mail -B 5 /etc/passwd

error handler bash

logic in a single file


#set -o xtrace   # -x display value of variables on debbug
set -o errexit  # -e exit if a command or pipe fail
set -o nounset  # -u exit if try to use unset variable

# initial variables and error handler
outputLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).OUTPUT.$(date +%Y%m%d).log
debugLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).DEBUG.$(date +%Y%m%d).log
errorLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).ERROR.$(date +%Y%m%d).log

# redirect output and error with debug to log
exec &> >( tee $debugLog )

# redirect only error to errorLog and outputLog 
exec 2> >( grep -v '^+' | sed "s/^/$(tput setaf 1)ERRO$(tput sgr0): [ $(date '+%F_%R') ] /" | tee -a {$errorLog,$outputLog} )

# redirect only output to log
exec 1> >( grep -v '^+' | tee -a $outputLog )

echo -e "START time: $(date '+%F %T')\n"

# put the code of the script here
echo 'the code of the script begins here!'

# try to use a command that doesn't exist

echo -e "\nEND time: $(date '+%F %T')"

logic in two files doing an include of error handler in a script


#!/bin/bash -xeu

test $# -eq 0 && echo -e "\e[31;1mERRO:\e[m" you need to pass a directory as a param to error handler && exit
test ! -d $1 && echo -e "\e[31;1mERRO:\e[m" param passed to error handler is not a directory && exit

# initial variables and error handler
outputLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).OUTPUT.$(date +%Y%m%d).log
debugLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).DEBUG.$(date +%Y%m%d).log
errorLog=$dirLog/$(basename $0).ERROR.$(date +%Y%m%d).log

# redirect output and error with debug to log
exec &> >( tee $debugLog )

# redirect only error to errorLog and outputLog 
exec 2> >( grep -v '^+' | sed "s/^/$(tput setaf 1)ERRO$(tput sgr0): [ $(date '+%F_%R') ] /" | tee -a {$errorLog,$outputLog} )

# redirect only output to log
exec 1> >( grep -v '^+' | tee -a $outputLog )



# load content of using /tmp as log directory
source /tmp

echo -e "START time: $(date '+%F %T')\n"

# put the code of the script here
echo 'the code of the script begins here!'

# try to use a command that doesn't exist

echo -e "\nEND time: $(date '+%F %T')"

write on errorLog and quit if a test fail in a sub script

test 0 -ne 1 && echo diff > /dev/stderr && exit 127

execute a command before exit if an error occurs

using only trap command

trap command will be executed removing the temporary file and exit if an error occurs or if script finish


touch $tmp

trap "rm -f $tmp; exit" ERR EXIT

ls -l $tmp


echo 'only will print this line if none err occurs'

using -e bash option + trap command

-e bash param will catch the error and will exit and the trap the trap command will be executed removing the temporary file

#!/bin/bash -e 


touch $tmp

trap "rm -f $tmp" EXIT

ls -l $tmp


echo 'only will print this line if none err occurs'

convert xls/xlsx/ods to csv

convert ods

convert all sheets using ssconvert (belongs to gnumeric package)

ssconvert -O 'separator=, quoting-mode=never' -S file.ods /tmp/sheet%s.txt

convert xlsx

convert xlsx to csv

xlsx2csv file.xlsx > file.csv

convert xlsx to tsv (TAB)

xlsx2csv -d '\t' file.xlsx > file.tsv

convert only sheet 3 to tsv

xlsx2csv -s 3 -d '\t' file.xlsx > file.tsv

convert multiple sheets to tsv

for i in {1..7};do xlsx2csv -s $i -d '\t' excel.xlsx > sheet-$i.csv & done

check if number of columns in excel is not equal

awk -F, '{ print NF }' file.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs -i test {} -ne 1 && echo number of columns is not equal

check if number of columns in excel is not equal, write message on stdout and quit

awk -F, '{ print NF }' file.csv | sort | uniq | wc -l | xargs -i test {} -ne 1 && echo number of columns is not equal > /dev/stderr && exit 127

tips and tricks

formulas to clean/replace ENTER inside excel cells (see ascii codes)


debug error bash

debug error using long options


set -o xtrace   # -x display value of variables on debbug
set -o errexit  # -e exit if a command or pipe fail
set -o nounset  # -u exit if try to use unset variable

# print only error to a log with current date
exec 2> >( grep -v '^+' | xargs echo $(date '+%F %R') | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log )

debug error using abbreviated options

#!/bin/bash -xeu

# print only error to a log with current date
exec 2> >( grep -v '^+' | xargs echo $(date '+%F %R') | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log )

debug output and error and separated files

#!/bin/bash -xeu

# redirect output and error to file
exec &>> /var/log/$(basename $0).$(date +%Y%m%d).log

# redirect only error to a file
exec 2> >( grep -v '^+' | xargs echo ERROR [ $(date '+%F_%R') ] | tee -a /var/log/$(basename $0).ERROR.$(date +%Y%m%d).log )

exit code values bash

Exit Code Meaning Example Comments
1 Catchall for general errors let “var1 = 1/0” Miscellaneous errors, such as “divide by zero” and other impermissible operations
2 Misuse of shell builtins (according to Bash documentation) empty_function() {} Missing keyword or command, or permission problem (and diff return code on a failed binary file comparison)
126 Command invoked cannot execute /dev/null Permission problem or command is not an executable
127 “command not found” illegal_command Possible problem with $PATH or a typo
128 Invalid argument to exit exit 3.14159 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 – 255 (see first footnote)
128+n Fatal error signal “n” kill -9 $PPID of script $? returns 137 (128 + 9)
130 Script terminated by Control-C Ctl-C Control-C is fatal error signal 2, (130 = 128 + 2, see above)
255* Exit status out of range exit -1 exit takes only integer args in the range 0 – 255

More at:

append text to standard input on linux

apeend a new line to stdin using cat

printf %s\\n ID-{1..3}' '{1..9..4} | cat <(echo c1 c2) -

join a text to stdin using bash

echo 1 2 3 | echo nums: $(</dev/stdin)

join a text to stdin using awk

awk '{ print "nums:", $0 }' <<< '1 2 3'

join a header text to stdin using awk

echo -e "a\nb\nc" | awk 'BEGIN{print "num"} {print $0}'

filter content on file maintaining the first line “header”

grep mail /etc/passwd | cat <(head -1 /etc/passwd) -

generates random char number string in bash

Generate a random char

head /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | cut -c -1

Generate a random string with length 3

head /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alpha:]' | cut -c -3

Generate a random number with length 2

head /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:digit:]' | cut -c -2

Generate a random alpha numeric string with length 5

head /dev/urandom | tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | cut -c -5

create multiple variables in one line with bash

reading multiple values from plain text

read v1 v2 v3 <<<'car house sun'

reading multiple values from a command

read countLines fileName <<<$( wc -l /etc/passwd )

reading multiple values from multiple commands

read VAR1 VAR2 <<< "$(date +%Y%m%d) $(whoami)"

parsing a YAML file creating multiple variables. Input file:

# some comment here

NAME: Mickey
AGE: 33

parse yaml file creating multiple variables with bash

eval $( grep ^[A-Z] file | tr -s ': ' '=' )

parse yaml file creating multiple variables with awk

eval $( awk -F':|: ' '/^[A-Z]/ { print $1"="$2 }' file )

parse yaml file creating multiple variables with sed

eval $( sed -nr 's/^(\w*): *(.*)/\1=\2/p' file )

To see the content of variables


delete files using find command

delete all mp3 files on directory

find /path/to/dir -name '*.mp3' -delete

delete only gz files most old than 7 days on directory

find /path/to/dir -name '*.gz' -mtime +7 -delete

deletes only tar files on /tmp most old than 12 hours, not search on subdirectories

find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar' -cmin +720 -delete

deletes only tar files of current user on /tmp, not search on subdirectories

find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -type f -name '*.tar' -user $(whoami) -delete

format / parse xml file

using sed command very fast uses little cpu and memory

echo '<root><age>7</age></root>' | # xml in one line
sed 's;><;>\n<;g'       | # put new line between ><
sed 's;></;>\n</;g'       # put new line between ></

xmllint command is very fast and consumes too much memory and little cpu

echo '<root><age>7</age></root>' | xmllint --format -

xml_pp command is slow and consumes little memory and too much cpu

echo '<root><age>7</age></root>' | xml_pp

To improve speed use sed without pipe

sed 's;><;>\n<;g; s;></;>\n</;g' file

get random lines from file

get only 1 random line from /etc/passwd – way 1

shuf -n 1 /etc/passwd

get only 1 random line from /etc/passwd – way 2

sed -n $[RANDOM%$(wc -l /etc/passwd | cut -d' ' -f1)+1]p /etc/passwd

get 7 random lines from /etc/passwd – way 1

shuf -n 7 /etc/passwd

get 7 random lines from /etc/passwd -way 2

for i in {1..7}; do sed -n $[RANDOM%$(wc -l /etc/passwd | cut -d' ' -f1)+1]p /etc/passwd; done

substring/split string

get/split substring using bash

get year of a string date

cut -c1-4 <<<'2018/05/30'

get month of a string date

cut -c6-7 <<<'2018/05/30'

get day of a string date

cut -c9-10 <<<'2018/05/30'

get/split substring using awk

using substr function

get year of a string date

awk '{ print substr($0,1,4) }' <<<'2018/05/30'

get month of a string date

awk '{ print substr($0,6,2) }' <<<'2018/05/30'

get day of a string date

awk '{ print substr($0,9) }' <<<'2018/05/30'

using split function

get year of a string date

awk 'split($0,arr,"/") { print arr[1] }' <<<'2018/05/30'

get month of a string date

awk 'split($0,arr,"/") { print arr[2] }' <<<'2018/05/30'

get day of a string date

awk 'split($0,arr,"/") { print arr[3] }' <<<'2018/05/30'

confirm action on bash

using echo and read

echo -e Press any key to "\e[32;1mconfirm\e[m" or Ctrl-C to Canncel
echo some key was pressed!

using only read

read -p 'Press any key to confirm or Ctrl-C to Cancel'
echo some key was pressed!

confirm action with yes or no using only read

read -p 'Choose one: Y/n ' y_n && test "$y_n" == "" -o "$y_n" == "Y" -o "$y_n" == "y" && echo typed: y || echo n or other key was pressed!

read input from the user and only continue if user press y

read -p 'Do you want to continue? N/y ' y_n && test "$( tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<$y_n )" != "y" && exit

if current time is lower than 15 get user input to confirm if him want to continue

test $( date +%M ) -le 15 && read -p 'Current time is: 0-15. Do you want to continue? N/y ' y_n && test "$( tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' <<<$y_n )" != "y" && exit

concatenate output of two bash commands

Concatenates two commands without space between them

echo $(hostname -s)$(whoami)

Concatenates two commands with space between them

echo $(TZ=America/New_York date +%H) $(date +%H)

Get result of calculation math of two commands – get timezone difference

echo $[$(TZ=America/New_York date +%k)-$(date +%k)]

Concatenates one command and one string without space between them – way 1

hostname | cat - <(echo xyz) | sed ':l N; s/\n//g; t l'

Concatenates one command and one string without space between them – way 2

hostname | cat - <(echo xyz) | tr -s "\n" ' ' | sed 's/ //'

Concatenates one command and one string without space between them – way 3

hostname | cat - <(echo xyz) | tr -d "\n"

format number on linux

Add comma for thousand number, printf version

printf "%'d\n" 1234567

Add comma for thousand number, numfmt version*

numfmt --group 1234567
LANG=pt_BR.utf8 numfmt --group 1234567
LANG=en_AG numfmt --group 1234567

*To list locales: localectl list-locales

Add comma for thousand number, awk version

awk '{ printf( "%'"'"'d\n",$0 ) }' <<< 1234567

Add dot for 2 last numbers with sed

sed 's/\B[0-9]\{2\}\>/.&/' <<< 1234567

Add dot for 2 last numbers only on 2 column with sed

sed 's/\B[0-9]\{2\}\>/.&/2' <<< '123456 123456'

Replace comma by dot and dot by comma with sed

sed -e 's/,/./g' -e 's/\./,/3' <<<'1,234,567.89'

send e-mail from linux with telnet

echo 'HELO' 
sleep 1
echo 'mail from:' 
sleep 1
echo 'rcpt to:' 
echo 'rcpt to:'
sleep 1
echo 'data' 
sleep 1
echo "Subject: message from server: $(hostname)

Content of file: /etc/passwd 

$(cat /etc/passwd)
echo '.' 
sleep 1
echo 'quit'
) | telnet localhost smtp

find files between dates

find files between two specified dates

find / -type f -newermt 2017-07-01 ! -newermt 2017-08-30 -ls

find files created between begin of current month and the current day

find / -type f -newermt $( date +%Y-%m-01 ) ! -newermt $( date +%Y-%m-%d ) -ls

find .php files modified on the last 30 days

find / -type f -regex .*php$ -mtime -30 -exec ls -lt {} +

find files between 1 month ago and 3 days ago that ends with numbers in name

find / -type f -regex .*[0-9]$ -newermt $( date -d '-1 month' +%Y-%m-%d ) ! -newermt $( date -d '-3 day' +%Y-%m-%d ) -exec ls -la {} +

compress files created between two specified dates

find / -type f -newermt $( date -d '-1 month' +%Y-%m-%d ) ! -newermt $( date -d '-3 day' +%Y-%m-%d ) -exec gzip -f {} +

iptables rules for dynamic ip

Delete current rule if this exist

iptables -nvL FORWARD --line-number | grep '' | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I% iptables -D INPUT %

Add a new rule with the current IP

getent ahostsv4 | tail -1 | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }' | xargs -I% iptables -I FORWARD -s %/32 -p tcp -m multiport --dports 20,21 -m comment --comment "" -j ACCEPT

Shell Script to change IP on firewall and log this

# Allow FTP on Firewall for dynamic IPs


for i in ${HOSTS[*]}; do

  /sbin/iptables -nvL INPUT | grep $i > /dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ];then

    echo '[' $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) '] There was no entry for HOST' $i 'on firewall' | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
   /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $i/32 -p tcp -m multiport --dports 20,21 -m comment --comment "$i" -j ACCEPT

  elif [ $( getent ahostsv4 $i | tail -1 | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }' ) != $( /sbin/iptables -nvL INPUT | grep $i | awk '{ print $8 }' ) ]; then

    echo '[' $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) '] HOST' $i 'IP changed:' $( getent ahostsv4 $i | tail -1 | awk '/^[0-9]/ { print $1 }' ) 'traffic with old IP:' $( /sbin/iptables -nvL INPUT | grep $i | awk '{ print $1 }' ) | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log

    /sbin/iptables -nvL INPUT --line-number | grep $i | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -I% /sbin/iptables -D INPUT %
    /sbin/iptables -I INPUT -s $i/32 -p tcp -m multiport --dports 20,21 -m comment --comment "$i" -j ACCEPT

convert unix timestamp to date


convert unixtimestamp to date with date command

date -d @1601661600


convert unixtimestamp to date with awk

awk '{ print strftime("%c", $1) }' <<<1601661600

convert unixtimestamp to date formating it

awk '{ print strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", $1) }' <<<1601661600

convert unixtimestamp to date appending the output to end of line

awk '{ "date -d @1601661600" |& getline $(NF+1); print }' <<<'a b c'


convert unixtimestamp to date with perl

perl -le 'print scalar localtime 1601661600'

convert string to upper or lower case in shell script


convert string to upper case

echo aBcD | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]'

convert string to lower case

echo aBcD | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]'


convert only first line to uppercase using awk

echo -e "ab cd\nef gh" | awk 'NR==1 {print toupper($0)} NR>1'

convert two last chars to lowercase using awk

echo -e "a JAN\nb DEC" | awk '{ print substr($2,1,1) tolower( substr($2,2) ) }'

convert two last chars to lowercase of column 2 using awk

awk '{ $2=substr($2,1,1) tolower( substr($2,2) ); print }' <<<'JANM DEC'

convert range of characteres of column 2 to lowercase using awk

echo -e "A JANUARY\nB DECEMBER" | awk '{ $2=substr($2,1,1) tolower( substr($2,2,2) ) substr($2,4); print }'


convert only first line to uppercase using sed

echo -e "ab cd\nef gh" | sed '1s/.*/\U&/'

convert two last chars to lowercase using sed

echo -e "JAN\nDEC" | sed -r 's/.{2}$/\L&/'

convert first char to uppercase using sed

echo -e "jan\ndec" | sed -r 's/.{1}/\U&\E/'

block countries with iptables

# block countries with iptables based on list with range of ips

# download list with range of countries ips
rm -rf /tmp/all-zones*; wget -nc -P /tmp

mkdir /tmp/all-zones; tar -xzvf /tmp/all-zones.tar.gz -C $_


for country_iso_code in ${COUNTRIES_ISO_CODE_LIST[*]}; do

  for country_ip in $( cat /tmp/all-zones/$ ); do
    echo creating rules to $country_iso_code $country_ip
    /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $country_ip -m comment --comment "rule to $( echo $country_iso_code | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' ) country" -j DROP

using sort linux

sorting by column 1

echo -e "2 44 B\n1 33 A\n4 22 A\n3 11 B" | sort

sorting by column 3

echo -e "2 44 B\n1 33 A\n4 22 A\n3 11 B" | sort -k3

sorting by column 3 and 2

echo -e "2 44 B\n1 33 A\n4 22 A\n3 11 B" | sort -k3 -k2

sorting by second field using comma(csv) as field separator

echo -e 'x,2\nb,1\nm,3' | sort -t, -k2

sorting by fifth field with numeric order

df -h | sort -k5n

sorting by fifth field with reverse numeric order

df -h | sort -k5nr

sort lines by length

awk '{ print length, $0 }' /etc/passwd | sort

count a chars in file order by last column

awk -F'a' '{print $0,NF-1}' /etc/passwd | rev | sort | rev

sort in numeric order

echo 1 2 10 | tr ' ' '\n' | sort -V

extract some columns of /etc/passwd, sort by second column, put header and format output

cut -d: -f1,3,6,7 /etc/passwd | sort -t: -k2n | cat <(echo user:id:home:shell) - | column -s: -t

list files and sort by size

ls -lh | sort -k5,5hr

list files and sort by date and size

ls -lh | sort -k6,8 -k5,5hr

test exit output command shell script

basic test variables

&&Execute if true
||Execute if false
$?exit status of last command executed. if true return 0 else retun > than 0
-nenot equal

Different ways to suppress grep output

grep -q root /etc/passwd && echo true || echo false

grep root /etc/passwd > /dev/null && echo true || echo false

test using logical operators && ||

echo 'abc' | grep -q a && echo true || echo false

test using test command

test -z "$( mount | grep sdb )" && mount /dev/sdb /mnt

echo 'abc' | grep -q a; test $? -eq 0 && echo true || echo false

test command directly inside of if

if grep -q root /etc/passwd; then echo true; else echo false; fi

test special var $? inside of if

echo 'abc' | grep -q a; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo true; else echo false; fi

random test using if else command

if [ "$(shuf -i 1-2 -n 1 | grep 1)" == "1" ];then echo 1; else echo 2; fi

if a command not exist show a error message and exit

! type ssh &> /dev/null && echo erro install ssh && exit

define variable based on output command

whoami | grep -q nickollas && user=nick || user=other

multiple tests string and a number in the same time

test str == str -a 7 -eq 7 && echo ok

execute multiple commands if the execution of previous command failed

curl --connect-timeout 0.01 || { echo 1; echo 2; }

execute multiple commands in a negation test with pipe

test ! "$( cat /etc/passwd | grep rootX )" && echo cmd1 && echo cmd2 

! [[ $( export | grep DBUS ) ]] && echo true || echo false

execute multiple commands if a regex test fail

grep newroot /etc/passwd || { echo cmd1; exit; }

analyzes apache log and blocking url access 3 times in X minutes

block multiple URLs

# analyzes apache log and blocking ip than access url 3 times in 2 minutes
# block only access to url not to all urls

exec 2>> /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log.$( date +%F_%H%M )

# you can use | to separate multiple strings to block

RANGE_TIME=$( date '+%H:%M' )

# make array with 2 past minutes using | separator. used as a separator field in the egrep regex 
for i in {1..2};do
  RANGE_TIME=${RANGE_TIME}\|$(date -d "-$i min" '+%H:%M:')

# list of ips with hits to the same url
IPs_LIST=$( egrep "$(date '+%d\/%b\/%Y:')($RANGE_TIME).*($URL_STRING_TO_BLOCK)" /var/log/httpd/access.log )

# group ips by number of hits to the same url
GROUP_BY_IPs=$( echo "$IPs_LIST" | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c )

# create iptables rule to block each ip that access url 3 times in N minutes than not starts with 192.168.0 range
for i in $( echo "$GROUP_BY_IPs" | awk '$1 >= 3 && $2 !~ "^192.168.0" {print $2}' );do
  /sbin/iptables -nvL INPUT | grep " $i .*many" > /dev/null
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    for j in $( echo $URL_STRING_TO_BLOCK | sed 's/|/\n/g' ); do
      echo $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) "blocking ip: $i than access part of URL: $j" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
      /sbin/iptables -A INPUT -s $i -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m string --string "$j" --algo bm --to 65535 -m comment --comment "block IP than access this URL many times" -j DROP

one liner code to blocking url access 3 times in 1 minute. (block only 1 url)

URL='insertUrlHere'; RANGE_TIME=$(date '+%H:%M'); for i in {1..1};do RANGE_TIME=${RANGE_TIME}\|$(date -d "-$i min" '+%H:%M:'); done; egrep "$(date '+%d\/%b\/%Y:')($RANGE_TIME).*$URL" /var/log/httpd/access.log | cut -d' ' -f1 | sort | uniq -c | awk '$1 >= 3 && $2 !~ "^192.168" {print $2}' | xargs -I% iptables -A INPUT -s % -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -m string --string "$URL" --algo bm --to 65535 -j DROP

concatenate value to variable inside loop in shell script

Append/Add value to variable inside loop in shell script, make variable containing range numbers

unset RANGE_NUM; for i in {1..5};do RANGE_NUM=${RANGE_NUM}$i; echo $RANGE_NUM; done

variable containing range with the last 5 minutes

LASTMINS=$(date '+%H:%M'); for i in {1..4};do LASTMINS=${LASTMINS}\|$(date -d "-$i min" '+%H:%M'); echo $LASTMINS; done

variable containing range with the last 7 days / 1 week

DAYS=$(date +%d/%b); for i in {1..6};do DAYS=${DAYS}\|$(date -d "-$i day" +%d/%b ); echo $DAYS; done

append header or footer on text


insert header

sed '1 i header' /etc/passwd

insert footer

sed '$ a footer' /etc/passwd

insert header and footer

sed -e '1 i header' -e '$ a footer' /etc/passwd

put header to uppercase and print all other lines

sed '1s/.*/\U&/' /etc/passwd


insert header

awk 'BEGIN { print "###\nheader\n###" } { print }' /etc/passwd

insert footer

awk '{ print } END { print "###\nfooter\n###" }' /etc/passwd

insert header and footer

awk 'BEGIN { print "###\nheader\n###" } { print } END { print "###\nfooter\n###" }' /etc/passwd

insert header before output match

awk 'BEGIN { print "###\nheader\n###" } /www-data/ { print }' /etc/passwd

insert footer before output match

awk '/www-data/ { print } END { print "###\nfooter\n###" }' /etc/passwd

insert header and footer between output match

awk 'BEGIN { print "###\nheader\n###" } /www-data/ { print } END { print "###\nfooter\n###" }' /etc/passwd

put header to uppercase and print all other lines

awk 'NR==1 {print toupper($0)} NR>1' /etc/passwd


insert header

echo header | cat - /etc/passwd

insert footer

echo footer | cat /etc/passwd -

insert header and footer

echo header | cat - /etc/passwd <(echo footer)

put header to uppercase and print all other lines

head -1 /etc/passwd | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' | cat - <(tail -n +2 /etc/passwd)

search for string in big source code linux

find way

search for tty string in all .sh files in /etc dir

find /etc -name '*.sh' -exec grep -i tty {} + 2>&-

search for database string in all .php files in local dir

find /etc -name '*.php' -exec grep -i database {} + 2>&-

search for log4j string in all .java files in local dir

find /etc -name '*.java' -exec grep -i log4j {} + 2>&-

shell script way

search for tty string in all .sh files in /etc dir

for i in $( find /etc -name '*.sh' );do OUT=$( grep -i 'tty' $i ); test "$OUT" && echo -e "\n$i\n$OUT"; done 2>&-

search for database string in all .php files in local dir

for i in $( find . -name '*.php' );do OUT=$( grep -i 'database' $i ); test "$OUT" && echo -e "\n$i\n$OUT"; done 2>&-

search for log4j string in all .java files in local dir

for i in $( find . -name '*.java' );do OUT=$( grep -i 'log4j' $i ); test "$OUT" && echo -e "\n$i\n$OUT"; done 2>&-

Import Remote MySQL Database

# Import Remote MySQL Database

exec 2>> /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log.$( date +%F_%H%M )



echo -e "\n[ $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) ] START SCRIPT" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log


  echo -e "\n[ $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) ] EXPORT REMOTE DB $i" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
  mysqldump -h $REMOTE_MYSQL_HOST -u $REMOTE_MYSQL_USER -p$REMOTE_MYSQL_PASSWD --databases $i --single-transaction > '/tmp/'$i'.sql'

  echo "START IMPORT $i [ $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) ]" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
  mysql -u $LOCAL_MYSQL_USER -p$LOCAL_MYSQL_PASSWD < '/tmp/'$i'.sql'
  echo "END IMPORT $i [ $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %H:%M' ) ]" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log

  # Delete dump file
  rm -f '/tmp/'$i'.sql'

echo "[ $( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' ) ] END SCRIPT" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log

connect in screen session if you have one already open

1 – Create the file that will be executed after ssh login

vi /usr/local/bin/

# Connect in screen session if you have one open

SESSION_ID=$( screen -ls | grep -P '\t' | cut -d. -f1 | tr -d '\t' )
if [ -z $SESSION_ID ]; then
  text='Started new session with screen!'; printf "%*s\n" "$(((${#text}+$(tput cols))/2))" "$text"
  screen -d -R -S screenNameHere
  text='Connected in existing screen session!'; printf "%*s\n" "$(((${#text}+$(tput cols))/2))" "$text"
  screen -wipe
  screen -r $SESSION_ID
  screen -d -R -S screenNameHere

*if you need execute command inside screen use

screen -d -R -S screenNameHere sh -c "clear; telnet; logout"

Limiting 1 login per user (optional step)

echo 'userNameHere hard maxlogins 1' >> /etc/security/limits.d/users.conf

connect on remote screen server and execute script after ssh login

ssh IpOfServerWithScreenHere -t '' 

search for apache error in the last x minutes

one liner to show erros in last 10 minutes

LAST10MIN=$(date -d '-20 min' '+%M'); grep "$(date '+%d/%b/%Y:%H:[$LAST10MIN-%M]').*erro" /var/log/apache2/error.log
# Search for apache error in the last X minutes

DATA=$( date '+%d/%m/%Y %R' )
LAST_ERROR_LOG=$( grep 'erro' /var/log/apache2/error.log | tail -n 1 )
CUT_TIME_ERRO_LOG=$( echo $LAST_ERROR_LOG | egrep -o '.*([0-9]){2}:[0-9]{2}|.*([0-9]){2}:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}' | tr -d [ )

if [ ${#LAST_ERROR_LOG} -gt 0 ] && [ $(( `date +%s` - $UNIX_TIMESTAMP_CUT_TIME_ERROR_LOG )) -lt $(( $MINUTES*60 )) ]; then

 echo -e "[$DATA] \e[31;1m[ ERROR FOUND ]\e[m $LAST_ERROR_LOG" | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log

cut time in kernel or apache log

cut last time error in kernel log

awk '/erro/ {print $1,$2,$3}' /var/log/messages | tail -1

cut last time error in apache log

awk '/erro/ {print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5}' /var/log/httpd/error_log | tail -1 | tr -d []
# cut last time error in both kernel and apache log

for i in /var/log/messages /var/log/httpd/error_log; do
  grep 'erro' $i | tail -1 | egrep -o '.*([0-9]){2}:[0-9]{2}|.*([0-9]){2}:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}' | tr -d [

delete first or last line


delete first line

nl /etc/passwd | tail -n +2

delete last line

nl /etc/passwd | head -n-1

delete first and last line

nl /etc/passwd | tail -n +2 | head -n-1

delete penultimate and last line

nl /etc/passwd | head -n-2

delete fist, second, penultimate and last line

nl /etc/passwd | tail -n +3 | head -n-2


delete first line

nl /etc/passwd | sed 1d

delete last line

nl /etc/passwd | sed '$d'

delete first and last line

nl /etc/passwd | sed '1d; $d'

delete penultimate and last line

nl /etc/passwd | sed -n 'N;$!P;D'

delete fist, second, penultimate and last line

nl /etc/passwd | sed -n '1,2d; N;$!P;D'


delete first line

nl /etc/passwd | awk 'NR>1'

delete last line

nl /etc/passwd | awk 'NR>1 { print last } { last=$0 }'

delete first and last line

nl /etc/passwd | awk 'NR>2 { print last } { last=$0 }'

check file size linux and send mail

syntax of mail command

echo body_msg | mail -s "subject" ""

script to send mail if any file exceeds maximum allowed size

# Send mail if any file exceeds maximum allowed size

exec 2>> /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log

FILES=(/etc/hosts /etc/passwd)

for i in ${FILES[*]}; do

  if [ $( ls -l $i | awk '{print $5}' ) -gt $MAXIMUM_FILE_SIZE_BYTES ]; then

    echo -e "[ $( date '+%F %R' ) ] [ \e[31;1mERRO\e[m ] $i higher than allowed: $( ls -l $i | awk '{print $5}' )" bytes | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
    echo | mail -s "$( hostname -s ) $i higher than allowed" $EMAIL

the same one-liner script

ls -l /etc/{hosts,passwd} | awk '$5 > 1024 { print $NF, "higher than allowed" }' | xargs -I% mail -s "$( hostname -s ) %" ""

encrypt shell scripts

1 – Install shc package

apt-get install shc

2 – Create the shell script file


for i in {1..3}; do echo $i: $RANDOM; done

3 – Encrypt shell script file using shc

shc -f

Output generated files:

4 – Execute the encrypted shell script


5 – Specifying expiration date for your shell script ( dd/mm/yyyy format )

shc -e 30/07/2017 -f

6 – Add custom expiration message for your shell script

shc -e 30/07/2017 -m contact '' -f

get all mac address from network

get all mac address and ip from your network gateway order by ip

nmap -sP $( ip route | grep '^default' | egrep -o '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}' )0/24; arp -a | sort -n -t . -k 4 | awk '{print "mac:", $4, "#"$2}'

get all ip and mac address from your network gateway

nmap -sn -PO $( ip route | grep default | egrep -o '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}' )0/24 | grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|[[:xdigit:]:]{6,}' | awk 'BEGIN{ m=0 } { if ( $1 ~ /^[[:digit:].]{3,}/ ) m++; print m, $0 }' | awk '{ a[$1] = a[$1] FS substr( $0, index( $0,$2 ) ) } END{ for( i in a ) print i a[i] }'

get all ip and mac address from a network range with ssh open

nmap -sS -p 22 --open $( ip route | grep default | egrep -o '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}' )0/24 | grep -Eo '([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|[[:xdigit:]:]{6,}' | awk 'BEGIN{ m=0 } { if ( $1 ~ /^[[:digit:].]{3,}/ ) m++; print m, $0 }' | awk '{ a[$1] = a[$1] FS substr( $0, index( $0,$2 ) ) } END{ for( i in a ) print i a[i] }'

A full script sample to get all IPs and MACs of an entire network:

drop all mysql databases

# Remove all mysql databases

echo 'Enter MySQL user'

echo 'Enter MySQL password'
stty -echo
stty echo

DATABASES=$( mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWD -e "SHOW DATABASES;" | tr -d "| " | grep -v Database )

for i in ${DATABASES[*]}; do

  if [ $i != 'mysql' ] && [ $i != 'information_schema' ] && [ $i != 'performance_schema' ]; then

    echo $( date +%R ) drop database: $i | tee -a /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log
    time mysql -u $MYSQL_USER -p$MYSQL_PASSWD -e "DROP DATABASE $i"

sort csv file keeping header on first line

using only bash

sorting by column two maintaining first line as header

tail -n +2 file.csv | sort -t, -k2n | cat <(head -1 file.csv) -

sorting by column two maintaining first line as header and format output as tsv

tail -n +2 file.csv | sort -t, -k2n | cat <(head -1 file.csv) - | column -s, -t

using sed + bash

sorting by column two maintaining first line as header

sed -n '2,$p' file.csv | sort -t, -k2n | cat <(sed 1q file.csv) -

script to recalculate vmware disk size

# Recalculate vmware thin disk size

exec 2>> /var/log/$( basename $0 ).log.$( date +%F_%H%M )

# Creates zero-block file in all free disk space 
for i in $(df | grep '^/dev/' | awk '{print $6}'); do
  if [ $i == '/' ];then
    echo 'creating a file of blocks zeroed in:' ${i}zerofile
    dd if=/dev/zero of=${i}zerofile bs=4096; rm -f ${i}zerofile
    echo 'creating a file of blocks zeroed in:' $i/zerofile
    dd if=/dev/zero of=$i/zerofile bs=4096; rm -f $i/zerofile

After run the command with the machine turned off in ESXi Host

vmkfstools --punchzero /vmfs/volumes/path-to-disk.vmdk

CPU, Memory Usage by Apache


ps -A --sort -rss -o pid,comm,pcpu,pmem,lstart | grep httpd | awk '($3>0) || ($4>0)'


ps -A --sort -rss -o pid,comm,pcpu,pmem | grep httpd | awk '{n+=$3} END {print $2" total cpu: "n"%"}'


ps -A --sort -rss -o pid,comm,pcpu,pmem | grep httpd | awk '{n+=$4} END {print $2" total mem: "n"%"}'


ps -A --sort -rss -o pid,comm,pcpu,pmem | grep httpd | awk '{x+=$3} {y+=$4} END {print $2" total cpu: "x"% mem: "y"%"}'

You can use server-status module to monitoring apache. Options are:

lynx http://localhost/server-status
lynx http://localhost/server-status?auto
lynx http://localhost/server-status?refresh=5
lynx http://localhost/server-status?auto&refresh=5